The Different Grades of Acne

Pimples are some of the most annoying, unattractive, and common things that can affect your skin. Usually, when you look in the mirror and see a pimple or two you judge it on the size and position on your face but have you figured that it can actually be categorized? Dermatologists use a system of grading to determine how severe a person’s acne problem is based on the concentration and types of pimples present. It is important to have a basic knowledge of the different grades in order to diagnose yourself or a loved one so you can decide the severity of treatment that best suits you.



Grade one acne is of course the least severe and most common. This level of acne consists of minimal blackheads and a few red pimples here and there. This level is usually nothing to worry about aside from a few break outs occasionally but it can usually be treated by simply keeping your skin clean every day.


Grade two would be considered a moderate case of acne and can still be treated relatively easily. In this stage the development of acne on the patient’s face is a good amount more persistent and abundant. This is nothing to freak out over as it is a fairly common grade of acne and still easy to get under control. In order to be considered grade two you have to have ten or more of the following:

  • Blackheads
  • Milia
  • Papules
  • Inflammation
  • Pustules
  • Redness


Grade three has a lot of the same symptoms as grade two only with much more swelling. The number of pimples on the face area increases as does the noticeability of the resulting scarring. The face area is a bit puffier due to the swelling of the acne-abundant areas. One of the largest distinctions in grade three is that the acne is not isolated on the face and tends to spread to other areas such as the back, neck, chest, or shoulders. In order to be considered grade three you need more than 20 of the following:

  • Blackheads
  • Papules
  • Pustules
  • Redness
  • Inflammation


Grade four is the most sever level of acne and is very rare to get that far. Grade four is characterized by extreme edema, a large amount of both pustules and papules, and severe swelling of the affected areas. At this stage one can only be treated by a dermatologist. They will prescribe at home treatments as well as an antibiotic most likely.

Regardless of your particular grade of acne, Lira Clinical offers several fantastic options to make your skin healthy again and keep it that way. Take a look at the amazingly effective ICE Line offered by Lira Clinical that contains a bounty of acne fighting ingredients. Don’t wait for your acne to upgrade, try Lira Clinical today!

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